Maimonides Mishneh Torah English Pdf


The mitzvot given to Moses at Mount Sinai were all given together with their explanations, as implied by []: 'And I will give you the tablets of stone, the Torah, and the mitzvah.' 'The Torah' refers to the Written Law; 'the mitzvah,' to its explanation. [God] commanded us to fulfill 'the Torah' according to [the instructions of] 'the mitzvah.' 'The mitzvah' is called the Oral Law. כל המצות שניתנו לו למשה בסיני בפירושן ניתנו. שנאמר ואתנה לך את לוחות האבן והתורה והמצוה. תורה זו תורה שבכתב.

והמצוה זו פירושה. וצונו לעשות התורה על פי המצוה. ומצוה זו היא הנקראת תורה שבעל פה.

[In particular, Moses] transmitted the Oral Law to Joshua, who was his [primary] disciple, and instructed him regarding it. Similarly, throughout his life Joshua taught the Oral Law.

The Mishneh Torah (Hebrew. Of the Creed and Ethics of the Jews Exhibited in Selections from the Yad Hachazakah of Maimonides, with A Literal English.

Many elders received the tradition from him. Eli received the tradition from the elders and from Pinchas. Samuel received the tradition from Eli and his court. David received the tradition from Samuel and his court. Achiah of Shiloh was one of those who experienced the exodus from Egypt. He was a Levite and heard [teachings] from Moses.

He was, however, of low stature in Moses' age. Afterwards, he received the tradition from David and his court.

וליהושע שהוא תלמידו של משה רבינו מסר תורה שבעל פה וצוהו עליה. וכן יהושע כל ימי חייו למד על פה.

וזקנים רבים קבלו מיהושע. וקבל עלי מן הזקנים ומפינחס. ושמואל קיבל מעלי ובית דינו. Psshutdown V2.52 Download. ודוד קיבל משמואל ובית דינו. ואחיה השילוני מיוצאי מצרים היה ולוי היה ושמע ממשה והיה קטן בימי משה והוא קיבל מדוד ובית דינו.

Convert Dmg To Iso Virtualbox Images. Elijah received the tradition from Achiah of Shiloh and his court. Elisha received the tradition from Elijah and his court. Yehoyada, the priest, received the tradition from Elisha and his court. Zechariah received the tradition from Yehoyada and his court. Hoshea received the tradition from Zechariah and his court.

Amos received the tradition from Hoshea and his court. Isaiah received the tradition from Amos and his court. Michah received the tradition from Isaiah and his court. Yoel received the tradition from Michah and his court. Nachum received the tradition from Yoel and his court. Chabbakuk received the tradition from Nachum and his court.

Tzefaniah received the tradition from Chabbakuk and his court. Jeremiah received the tradition from Tzefaniah and his court. Baruch ben Neriyah received the tradition from Jeremiah and his court. Ezra and his court received the tradition from Baruch and his court. ואליהו קיבל מאחיה השילוני ובית דינו. ואלישע קיבל מאליהו ובית דינו.

ויהוידע הכהן קיבל מאלישע ובית דינו. וזכריה קיבל מיהוידע ובית דינו.

והושע קיבל מזכריה ובית דינו. ועמוס קיבל מהושע ובית דינו. וישעיה קבל מעמוס ובית דינו. ומיכה קיבל מישעיה ובית דינו. ויואל קיבל ממיכה ובית דינו. ונחום קיבל מיואל ובית דינו. וחבקוק קיבל מנחום ובית דינו.