Steve Earle Copperhead Road Midi File


Copperhead Road Karaoke MIDI File in the style of Steve Earle Copperhead Road is a song recorded and released by Steve Earle. Copperhead Road was composed by Steve Earle and produced as a backing track for Hit Trax by The MIDI Karaoke Backing Tracks Production Team.

The music genre and style category for this MIDI File backing track is Country MIDI Backing Tracks. Copperhead Road is available in the following song file formats: MIDI Karaoke File. Hit Trax have produced 7 Steve Earle titles, available for download 24/7. All Steve Earle song files are AMCOS Licensed and royalty paid.

Steve Earle Copperhead Road Midi File

Full multitrack recording of 'Copperhead Road' by Steve Earle delivers flexible backing track for any instrument or vocals. Find free MIDI files. Cadmatic Software Download. Use our MIDI search engine to find the MIDI file you're looking for. MT0116 STEVE EARLE - COPPERHEAD ROAD.mid Midi Tracks. 26 Pin Serial Connector there.