Dna Activation Mantra Yoga


Reciting 108 times sets up a resonant vibration, similar to the king mantra OM or AUM. The Mmmmmm humming boosts the production of Nitric Oxide in the body. Dalai Lama endorsed this mantra and it is very popular among Tibetian Buddhists now. However, their pronounciation of sanskit is not accurate.

Method to chant 12 strand DNA activation Mantra Place a Sri Yantra (2D) photo in front of you at your forehead height. While you chant this mantra 108 times, look into the centre spot or the Bindu (Singularity – Black hole) of the Sri Yantra.

SHANA MANTRA 'Sh' is the sound of Silence & Growth. Strand DNA Activation Mantra. Earlier humans had 1. DNA but after Kali Yuga started (about 5. DNA shrunk and now only limited to 2 strands, out of which 9. Seers in earlier yugas had 1. They had fractal minds and superhuman powers like Ashta Siddhis etc. However, we can activate those 1. DNA using the following mantra. This mantra ends like Mmmmmmm. 12 STRAND DNA ACTIVATION MANTRA -- CAPT AJIT VADAKAYIL. There are crores of non-hindus who practice Yoga and mantra chanting, read books of Deepak Chopra.

Dna Activation Mantra Yoga

It balances the right and left lobes of your brain. A person who has access to both brain lobes is generating scalar waves and thus is in touch with higher dimenions of funtioning. Vengeance Sound Pack there.

Contradicting strengths Tamas and Rajas are joined through awareness ( yin-yang ). The center prong of Siva’s trident is Satwa.

12 Strand DNA Activation Mantra, reciting method, usage of Sri Yantra, to eliminate 96% junk and attain super human powers similar to Ancient Indian Seers. Free Hacking Of Email Passwords on this page. I have been a student of kundalini yoga for 40 years and only recently I heard the term DNA activation. So after reading about the new age DNA activation theories, I.

Dna Activation Mantra Yoga

It speaks the truth quantum probability vortex vibrations, between two posts, we call the grandiose move of Siva from either side of the Quantum screen. Together they express the colossal void at total peace with itself. To initiate the third eye of Shiva, or to see higher measurements, the pineal organ ( soul ) and the pituitary organs ( body ) must vibrate in reverberation to make a field. This is spoken to by Samudra manthan in Hindu mythology, where mount meru is utilized to agitate the seas for Amrit or Ambrosia in a back and forth development, speaking to vibrations. The amrit of the ambrosia or Soma is the sacred vessel. This is the thing that the Templar knights got subsequent to exhuming King Solomon’s sanctuary. Soma is a heavenly LSD- – rather a million times all the more intense DMT.