Pyronix Belle Installation Manual

Pyronix Hikvision

PYRONIX MATRIX 4. INSTALLATION MANUAL Pdf Download. Installation Manual Software Version 5 RINS9. Connecting a Single Keypad to a Matrix 8. PYRONIX MATRIX 4. INSTALLATION MANUAL Pdf Download. Installation Manual Software Version 5 RINS9. Connecting a Single Keypad to a Matrix 8.

• GSM Speech Dialler with Automation Control Microphone Speaker PROGRAMMING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL RINS1323-8. • EASY START GUIDE Enter 2 0 1 Press the t key and enter the inputs for input 1. Repeat for other inputs if required [201-209] Enter 999 Press the t key to exit the engineers mode. Enter 1 2 3 4 This enters the user menu. Superstamps Download.

• 4.1 S..7 CROLLING HROUGH ENUS 4.2 E...8 NTERING CHAPTER 5: V2 GSM PROGRAMMING.. 10 5.1 P VOICE M [100].. 10 ECORD YSTEM ESSAGES 5.1.1 Play / Record Low Battery Message [101]..10 5.1.2 Play / Record Battery Restore Message [102].. 10 5.1.3 Play / Record Test Message [103].. • UTPUT XPANDER 7.9 T...42 NTENNA 7.10 C..43 ONNECTING OTHER EQUIPMENT CHAPTER 8: DISCLAIMER.. 44 CHAPTER 9: SETTING UP THE V2 GSM (EXAMPLE).45 CHAPTER 10: SHORTCUT FUNCTION REFERENCE.47 Pyronix Ltd Page: 4.

• Up to 9 telephone numbers can be programmed, and either a voice message or SMS text maybe sent after activation. The V2 GSM also has a user menu that can be accessed by dialling the V2 GSM directly (this is a mobile number that is supplied). • C H A P T E R 3: P O W E R I N G U P / E N G I N E E R S M E N U When the V2 GSM is powered up for the first time (after a SIM card has been installed) a message will be displayed stating it is the ‘first time power up defaults’.

• C H A P T E R 4: O P E R A T I N G T H E K E Y P A D The V2 GSM keypad incorporates 4 status LEDs positioned above the LCD display. They are numbered 1 to 4 and are used to show the status of the 4 on board outputs. 2 E N T E R I N G T E X T The numeric keys above are used to enter the text onto the V2 GSM (for SMS texts). For example to enter the letter ‘Q’.

The 7 key needs to be entered twice. The 0 key is used to enter a space. • V2 GSM Installation Manual Scrolls between sub-menu items Moves the character cursor to the end of a string Scrolls between sub-menu items Moves the character cursor to the beginning of a string Scrolls between main-menu items Moves the character cursor to. 1 P L A Y / R E C O R D S Y S T E M V O I C E M E S S A G E S [ 1 0 0 ] Voice or SMS messages can be recorded for all system messages on the V2 GSM: Low battery message = If the GSM voltage supply equipment battery drops below 11.5V. Xxhighend Crack on this page. • 4 - RECORD To record a message, press 4.